Worldwide delivery of industry standard solutions for the adventure and leisure industry

The industry expert in innovative adventure equipment: Thrill Syndicate engineers and distributes Epic Adventure solutions worldwide. We deliver state-of-art thrill & safety products and services to professional operators around the globe.
Brands we represent
Thrill Syndicate represents the top Brands in the Adventure Industry. We combine these brands with expert knowledge of the design and engineering of the World’s Most Epic Adventures. Our products enable customers all over the world to bring their imagination to life.
Head Rush Technologies is the industry expert in innovative adventure equipment. Best known for our application of eddy current braking technology in our products, including the award-winning TRUBLUE Auto Belay, zipSTOP Zip Line Brake, QuickFlight & FlightLine Free Fall Devices, and more!
All of them begin with seeking a way to use our patented technology and our engineering expertise to make adventure experiences better for users while helping facility operators improve their business. Everything we design and manufacture is with those two goals in mind.
As each product met with success we found ourselves consistently branching out to help our customers with additional problems they encountered in their businesses, which led us to create other advanced products to solve those issues. That was the genesis of the Impact Trolley, Gorilla Rope, and even the Arboreal Tree Climbing System, all of which entered their markets as top-of-the-line solutions (and better products) for our customers.
Edelrid is a pioneer in the development of high-quality products for adventure parks. Whether you are an operating company, guide or builder, we ensure that you get everything from a single source.
That’s why we are constantly developing our products and solutions, from climbing equipment in mountain and indoor sports to personal protective equipment (PPE) for commercial applications.
As a manufacturer rooted in the Allgäu region, we produce our complete portfolio of mountain sport ropes, static ropes, reeving ropes as well as lines for paragliders and many other industrial applications in our own rope factory.
Saferoller is the world’s FIRST rolling continuous belay system and remains the only system that can be installed with safety line out-of-reach for maximum adrenaline rush (2m -2.3m above platform height)
Saferoller, fast, continuous end-to-end rolling: Just slip-on and roll. Fast, continuous end-to-end rolling and unparalleled hands free movement create an adrenaline-filled adventure.
Saferoller, designed for safety line out-of-reach: The only system that can be installed with safety-line out-of-reach (2m -2.3m above platform height) for maximum adrenaline rush and the ultimate experience.
Maximize Return on Investment: Professional design and construction increases user throughput rates and reduces staffing requirements. Enhance user experience by optimizing positioning of start and end platforms, turns, ascents and descents.
Reduce annual operating costs 25-35%: Saferoller rolling continuous belay system requires minimal supervision and fewer staff. Increase customer throughput up to 20%.
Minimize maintenance fees: Lowest maintenance requirements on the market and replaceable parts make Saferoller® the industry leader. Briefing takes only 60 seconds. Minimal supervision and fewer staff required.
TÜV Süd Certified: Saferoller parts are manufactured according to strict quality standards: (CATEGORY “E”, RfU CNB/P/11.104, EN 795 B, EN 15567-1, EN 15567-2, EN 12278) and according to ACCT Standards (USA).
Speedrunner is the free-running solution for your aerial adventure park. With the safety line at half height, it can be quickly adapted for many situations. The certified mobile connecting device (PPE) Kanhook is a hook-based system featuring the industry-first self-closing gap mechanism. It is our most economical and easy to install system. Designed to resist wear and tear. Rugged, durable and dependable. Just hook and go.
The Speedrunner continuous belay system is based on a hook. The Kanhook (PPE) slides smoothly and silently on the safety line, following you wherever you go. You are continuously secured. The safety line is installed half-height (1.4m -1.6m) to allow manual manipulation.
TÜV Süd Certified: Speedrunner parts are manufactured according to strict quality standards: TÜV Süd Certified CATEGORY “E “EN 795 B EN 795 C EN 15567 EN 17109 RfU CNB/P/11.104 ACCT Standards (USA).
Informed by the feedback from the adventure recreation industry, LockD Clips’ streamlined, innovative “always-locked” design has been developed specifically for the needs of adventure recreation operators and participants.
Our smart belay system is simple, straightforward and secure.
Smart belay systems for adventure parks, such as LockD Clips, also allow the climber to choose different trails, pass slower climbers and engage with vertical as well as horizontal elements, providing greater control and flexibility in the activity. With our simple “always-locked” design, LockD Clips safely hand the ropes and reins back over to the climber for an autonomous but trustworthy experience.
The “key” to locking and unlocking the LockD Clips smart belay system is the Tweezle Key. When a LockD Clip is inserted onto a Tweezle Key (mounted on a lifeline), it locks, while the other clip unlocks.
International Safety Components (ISC) is a leading global provider of height safety equipment. We design and manufacture equipment for a variety of industries including Arborist, Rope Access, Rope Rescue, and Adventure Parks.
ISC Challenge Course, Adventure Park and Zip line products are designed to offer a safe and enjoyable experience to users, whilst offering optimal convenience and throughput for course operators. In most cases, ISC products can be retro-fitted to existing courses, with little or no need for alterations to lines. All products are designed for optimum performance and durability. Working with top industry experts, our Engineers have developed a range of zip trolleys which offer optimum performance and lifespan.
The ISC ZipSpeed Trolley range caters for all kinds of zip lines from lightweight Clip’n’Zip trolleys for Zip Parks, right through to high-speed performance trolleys for super-fast lines! Our ZipSpeed Trolley range is complimented by a wide range of accessory options including Parachute and Superman style harnesses and the new Anti-Rollback Cam (ARC), designed to optimize throughput by preventing users from rolling backwards on the line.
Thrill Syndicate engineers and distributes Epic Adventure solutions worldwide. We deliver state-of-art thrill & safety products and services to professional operators around the globe.
Whether they’re using our Auto Belays for an exciting new climbing element, our magnetic zip line brakes to create the longest zip line in the world or one of our Jump family of products to bring a thrilling free fall experience to your customers, Thrill Syndicate truly puts the power of imagination to work.
We use magnetic eddy current braking technology in climbing, free fall, and zip line devices. Our eddy current brake technology is extremely reliable, smooth, and low maintenance. The braking is friction-free with no contacting parts.