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Expert Tips for Zip Line Brake Installations

Dive into the latest innovations in zipline braking, from magnetic brakes to advanced speed control, and understand how these developments ensure a safer ride.

Thrill Syndicate’s mission is to assist climbing facilities, adventure providers, and zip line operators in creating the finest rider experiences and improving operations. When we identified an opportunity to provide a braking experience that is both hands-free for the rider and easy and efficient for zip line guides, we created the zipSTOP Zip Line Brake.

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7 Ways Magnetic Braking Is Better Than Friction

In your gym, do you still use friction-based auto belays? Then consider the following ideas, which may keep you awake at night: thermal deterioration, extraneous contaminants such as water and dust, slack falls and dynos, and brake fading are some of the issues that can occur. Magnetic brakes address all of these problems and more. In auto belays, magnetic braking outperforms friction braking in seven ways.

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Pros and Cons of Different Zip Line Brakes

Zip line brakes are divided into two types: active and passive. The sort of brake you select will have a significant impact on your company’s risk management and the longevity of your zip line materials. The rider must initiate the braking procedure with active zip line brakes. The rider or a guide does not have to do anything to activate the passive zip line brakes. While active brakes allow riders to be more involved in the experience, they also add a layer of risk.

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The Science of Eddy Current Magnetic Braking

The Science of Eddy Current Magnetic Braking

Unlike mechanical brakes, which use friction and kinetic energy to stop objects from moving, eddy current brakes use electromagnetism to do it. Our cutting-edge magnetic braking system is exceptionally dependable, smooth, and long-lasting. There are no contacting parts in the braking system, hence there is no friction. What exactly does that imply?

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QuickFlight Is Now CE Certified – Take Flight!

We are constantly aiming to raise the bar in our industry. We became a little imaginative and unlocked the possibilities of the QuickFlight even more because there isn’t a Free Fall Category in EN standards. QuickFlight is known as a Free Fall Device, but there is now so much more you can do with it in the future to grow your revenue and provide your clients more unique experiences.

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