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New Zippey Clip’n’Zip Trolley Accessories for Spring 2025

Upgrade your zipline safety with the new Zippey Clip’n’Zip Trolley accessories! Enhance protection, meet EN 17109 compliance, and retrofit with ease. Shop now!

Spring 2025 ushers in an exciting update for the Zippey Clip’n’Zip Trolley and Anti-Rollback Cam (ARC) with the launch of three innovative safety accessories. Designed to enhance user protection and reduce the risk of finger trapping, these new additions are crafted from impact-modified nylon for maximum durability. Whether you’re upgrading your existing fleet or purchasing new trolleys, these accessories offer a seamless way to improve safety and compliance.

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Two-Way Adventure: Bi-Directional Zipline Trolley Solutions

Double the adventure with Thrill Syndicate's bi-directional zip line trolley system. Enhance your zip line experience with our state-of-the-art technology. Get started now.

Thrill Syndicate is transforming the world of zip lining with our cutting-edge bi-directional zip line trolley solution. This revolutionary technology – named TwinGlide – combines mechanics, electronics, computing, and advanced communication systems to offer an unparalleled zip line experience. Our innovative carts are designed to travel both up and down the zip line, providing a host of benefits for operators and thrill-seekers alike.

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Understanding Zip Line Braking Technologies

Immerse yourself in the world of zip line adventures and unravel the intricacies of zip line braking systems. As an operator or enthusiast, understanding the nuances between active and passive brakes is critical. This article explores these two main categories, their implications for risk management, and their impact on the overall zip line experience.

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The Trolley Revolution in the Adventure Industry

Revolutionizing Trolley Technology: The Mag Brake Trolley

In recent years, trolley technology has seen a significant growth in popularity, with more and more adventure parks incorporating this thrilling activity into their offerings. Trolleys are essentially pulley systems that allow riders to glide through the air, soaring through the trees and taking in breathtaking views. However, with this increase in popularity comes an increased need for safety and innovation, as park owners strive to offer unique and exciting experiences while ensuring the safety of their guests.

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Zip Line Design: Complete System overview

At first glance, the zip line appears to be simple: attach your trolley to the rope and let gravity do the rest! However, any zipline installation involves a lot of considerations and a lot of work. To make an effective zipline, designers must consider slope, wind, temperature, varying rider weights, friction, rider speed, and other factors. This isn’t a simple task.

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All About Bearings: Why Zip Line Trolley Bearings Matter

All About Bearings: Why Zip Line Trolley Bearings Matter

Bearings are a little component of our new zip line trolleys, but they are one of the most critical. Each trolley in the new LightSpeed EZ Clip Zip Line Trolley and LightSpeed Micro Zip Line Trolley has four ABEC certified bearings. These quality bearings extend the life of the trolley, allow for higher line speeds, and provide a smooth trip along the line.

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The Magnetic Self-braking Zipline Trolley

The MAG Brake Trolley uses Eddy Current (Magnetic) technology to safely and consistently brake Zipline riders based on their speed. The magnetic Zipline Pulley has an integrated magnetic brake that is powerful and incrementally adjustable.

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Expert Tips for Zip Line Brake Installations

Dive into the latest innovations in zipline braking, from magnetic brakes to advanced speed control, and understand how these developments ensure a safer ride.

Thrill Syndicate’s mission is to assist climbing facilities, adventure providers, and zip line operators in creating the finest rider experiences and improving operations. When we identified an opportunity to provide a braking experience that is both hands-free for the rider and easy and efficient for zip line guides, we created the zipSTOP Zip Line Brake.

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Zip Line Trolley Inspection and maintenance

Despite the complexity of the zip line operation, visitors shouldn’t ever be aware of any individual component, let alone the state of the trolley they’re hanging from. This is where meticulous examination and upkeep are necessary, especially for parts that are closest to the user, like the trolleys in your park.

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