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Pros and Cons of Different Zip Line Brakes

Zip line brakes are divided into two types: active and passive. The sort of brake you select will have a significant impact on your company’s risk management and the longevity of your zip line materials. The rider must initiate the braking procedure with active zip line brakes. The rider or a guide does not have to do anything to activate the passive zip line brakes. While active brakes allow riders to be more involved in the experience, they also add a layer of risk.

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Zipline Trolley Innovations

Zipline Trolley Brake

The zip line trolley is such a simple piece of equipment, but it seems to get more complicated every day. It is one of the most important parts of a zip line system, and its influence extends far beyond its primary function. The type of zip line trolley used at a site has an impact on wire replacement prices and frequency, as well as the type and performance of the brake system and maintenance expenses. It also has an impact on rider throughput time, operational strain, and, most importantly, rider experience and safety.

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Buyer’s Guide to the Four Most Common Zip Line Brakes

Discover the Mechanics of Zip Line Spring Brakes: Learn how spring brakes ensure safety and efficiency in zip lines. Dive into our expert article for in-depth insights and tips. Read now!

When building and equipping your zip line course, there are various variables to consider as a builder, installer, or owner. Zip line brakes are one piece of equipment you’ll want to consider carefully. Your choice of brake will have a significant impact on your company’s operations, revenue, visitor experience, course design, risk management, and more.

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Zip Line Pulley and Trolley Inspection

All of our zipline trolleys and pulleys are built to last and require little maintenance, therefore regular checks are essential to ensuring that users get the most out of them. The user manuals for the LightSpeed Impact, EZ Clip, and Micro zip cables, as well as the Precision Redirection Pulley, are supplemented by this white paper.

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White Paper on Zipline Emergency Arrest Devices (EAD)

Discover the Mechanics of Zip Line Spring Brakes: Learn how spring brakes ensure safety and efficiency in zip lines. Dive into our expert article for in-depth insights and tips. Read now!

Ziplines and braking systems must meet the criteria of the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). An Emergency Braking Device (EAD) does exactly what it says: it stops the driver if the primary brake fails to perform as intended, preventing injury or death.

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Zip Line Installation: Give them the Best Ride

The zipline, unlike many other activities, gives riders a sense of freedom and adventure; riders enjoy unrestricted air movement, whistling winds, and views normally reserved for birds. For the rider, the best zipline experience is smooth, easy, and safe, while for the crew, it is automatic, fast, and dependable. Zipline brakes from zipSTOP are developed to enhance the rider experience and improve zipline handling.

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How to prevent many Zipline mistakes that you’re not aware of

The goal of this white paper is to identify and eradicate the nine most common zip line problems. These variables must be addressed from an operational approach since eliminating them will considerably reduce participation risk.

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Zipline Trolleys – The Overturning Moment

Most people are unaware of a secret moment during zip line braking, and for good reason. Your attention is drawn to the approaching rider rather than the trolley’s position. However, our developers have paid special attention to braking because it is a critical point of wear for most trolleys.

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